by Leah Roberts | Oct 10, 2022 | Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
You’ve likely heard of carpal tunnel syndrome. This common form of nerve entrapment affects between 1 and 3 people per 1,000 each year. Carpal tunnel syndrome is relatively well known. But the second most prevalent entrapment neuropathy, ulnar nerve entrapment is less...
by Leah Roberts | Oct 10, 2022 | Education
We use our hands for just about everything. So it should come as no surprise that hand and wrist injuries are common, and come in many forms. As St George hand and wrist surgery experts, we see a wide range of injuries. They range from minor sprains to serious...
by stgeorgehanstg | Sep 26, 2022 | Trigger Finger
My finger locks, what does it mean? Locking of the finger when grasping, or even catching of the finger as it opens and closes can be a sign of a trigger finger. Trigger finger is a relatively common condition affecting the hand and fingers, and no, it doesn’t have to...
by Leah Roberts | Sep 9, 2022 | Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel is a common condition that impacts between 3 and 6 percent of all adults. But while most people have heard of this painful condition, fewer have heard of cubital tunnel syndrome. This condition is the second most common peripheral nerve compression...
by stgeorgehanstg | Jun 29, 2022 | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dirk Slade, MD, Education, St.George Hand Surgeon, St.George Hand Surgery
Carpal Tunnel: Basic Anatomy and Definition Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve problem categorized as compressive neuropathy or simply a pinched nerve. Nerves can experience pressure or pinching injury anywhere along the path between exiting the spinal canal and...